Sunday, April 12, 2020

Was The Caronavirus Released by China by Accident or On Purpose

Even if the caronavirus was released by accident by the Chinese they are responsible for this current pandemic in every way and as such ought to be held accountable for their actions. This means shouldering some of the economic burden they’ve placed on other countries through their misconduct at best. According to new reports.
After the joint work stopped in the US, funding continued and the Chinese moved forward with the project and ran research and development in Wuhan at the Wuhan Virology Center. From Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli’s papers and resume, it is clear that the Chinese through Doctor Zhengli successfully isolated the virus in the lab and were actively experimenting with animal to human transmission.
It’s also important to note that back in 2017 the U.S. had solid intelligence about a viral leak in a high security Chinese virology R&D center that resulted in the SARS virus getting out and killing people. From all of the published research papers that relate to this project going back to 2014, it’s clear that COVID-19 was already in a lab. In 2017, the Chinese had a similar release incident that sickened eight people and killed one. It started when two workers at a Chinese CDC lab independently isolated and experimented in vitro/vivo a SARS virus. In one of these sessions the scientists took a previously unknown variant of the SARS virus and moved it out from a BSL-4 high-containment facility into a low-safety diarrhea research lab where the two were working. Apparently, the virus inactivation process didn’t work properly and both were infected at the lab and then proceeded to infect other people outside of the lab.
So obviously the Chinese government had access to all of this information right from the beginning. Why wouldn’t they have released it to the world right when the outbreak began to take off so that folks would know what they were dealing with and how contagious it could possibly be?
Many countries opted not to take immediate action because they believed that China was containing the spread and that this was just another flu bug that got out into the open, which turned out to not be true at all.
China didn’t want to be responsible for this debacle, so they kept these truths to themselves, despite the fact that doing so could cost a lot of lives. Just Yesterday it was noted that the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China was hiring individuals for an ecological study of bat migration and virus transmission in November of 2019.
We now know from Dr. Shi’s resume and papers that she was still working on the coronavirus at that time:
According to National Review: On December 24, 2019, the Wuhan Institute of Virology posted a second job posting. The translation of that posting includes the declaration, “long-term research on the pathogenic biology of bats carrying important viruses has confirmed the origin of bats of major new human and livestock infectious diseases such as SARS and SADS, and a large number of new bat and rodent new viruses have been discovered and identified.” What happened up until January is still mostly a mystery. But now we have more evidence that China was working on the China coronavirus in a lab in Wuhan for years. We also have evidence of fatalities from the lab coronavirus back in 2017.
Of course, what everyone really wants to know is if this virus was released by accident or on purpose. We can’t really know the answer to that question at this point in time but were still investigating.

The Truth about the origins of the China Caronavirus

Documents obtained by the Daily Mail confirm what many Americans has suspected all along, that Communist China is the source of the Caronaviris. We now are learning that China had been developing and testing the novel coronavirus on mammals using grant money from the U.S. government under the auspices of National Institute of Health under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci the current top pandemic expert.For months China had been claiming the coronavirus now known as COVID-19 originated from a wet market in Wuhan, but evidence shows that the Institute of Virology in Wuhan undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals, including bats, backed by grants from the National Institute of Health.The individuals and institutions who helped China develop its coronavirus gain-of-function research are the same people telling us to stay locked in our homes, prepare for mandatory vaccines and accept a national ID “immunity” card to participate in society.Many Americans are now wondering was the spreading of the virus accidental or by design.The White House Covid-19 response team is made up of Big Pharma and Bill Gates operatives. Much of the elderly American citizenry now believe they will be forced to quarantine indefinably

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Placer Gold vs. Lode Gold

I realized recently how often I use these terms in conversation without really explaining what they mean. Most people have heard the term, but unless you are a miner you may not really understand the difference.
Excerpt From The 

Here are the basic difference between these two types of gold deposits.


What is Lode Gold?


The formation of gold doesn’t start in a river. It generally starts as a vein in rock. This is referred to as “lode gold” and this is the type of gold that nearly all commercial mines are after these days.

There are many, many different types of lode gold deposits, which all require specialized mining techniques to mine and extract. For simplicity, its fair to simply summarize lode gold as being contained within rock.


What is Placer Gold?


Placer gold is the gold that most prospectors are more familiar with. This is the dust, flakes and nuggets that you can find by panning and sluicing a creek or river.

Placer gold might have some rock attached to it, but generally it will be clean from most rock material and will be worn relatively smooth. Erosion creates that typical “nugget” shape that we are all familiar with.


Where Does Placer Gold Come From?


Keep in mind that placer gold isn’t really any different than lode gold. It is simply a concentration of gold that is created from erosion and time.

Placer gold accumulates over time when it erodes from hard rock veins. Gold dust doesn’t form in the river, it is transported there and forms concentrations. The origin of that gold is usually from a vein up on the mountain.


Creation of a Placer Gold Deposit


Here is an example. Through geologic processes millions and millions of years ago, a gold vein forms in some type of rock. This vein is 10,000 feet up on a mountain and 20 feet under the ground.

As time goes by natural erosion takes place. The rock over the vein is slowly eroding away, and after years it slowly crumbles away.

Now we have an exposed vein of gold on the surface of the ground. It doesn’t take long for nature to take its course and a chunk of gold breaks off of the vein.

Wind and rain occur, and this course chunk of vein material slowly erodes and starts to move. A once coarse specimen of gold in quartz starts to tumble and smooth. The quartz starts to break off and heavy rain events slowly moves it downhill.

Eventually it makes its way into a small drainage. High water events continue to tumble and push it downstream. Millions of years go by, and a once coarse specimen becomes a smooth, polished gold nugget. What started as a gold vein eventually turns into placer gold.


Which Type is Better for Miners?


Gold is gold, so there isn’t necessarily a better type of gold. However, mining for lode gold has many more challenges that mining for placer gold.

Placer gold mining is much easier. The gold is already separated from the rock, and gravity has concentrated the gold into creeks and rivers where it is more easily accessible. All the prospector needs is some simple tools, a gold pan and maybe a sluice box and they are ready to start mining.

Lode gold takes a lot more equipment and generally a lot more expense.

Since the gold is locked up in rock it is usually pretty hard to get to. Even if a miner locates an exposed vein on the surface (which is sometimes done by using a metal detector), following that vein and processing the ore as it goes into the Earth is quite challenging. It can be much more expensive to mine these deposits than the gold that you will recover much of the time.

A Giant Move in Gold Just Began (Here’s What You Should Consider To Do

Posted by General Michael (Mick) Webster United States Civil Defense Assoc.
Excerpt From The
Gold is on the move today…
And there’s a big misconception that I want to clear up…
You see, most folks seem to think the “coronavirus” collapse will throw the world back into the Stone Age. They think people will go into caves and start eating canned goods.
But here’s why they’re shamefully wrong…
Based on the monetary history of the past century, a collapse meant that the major financial and trading powers of the time sat around a table and simply rewrote the “rules of the game”…
For example:
In 1922… Genoa, Italy, where after WWI, the world returned to a partial gold standard…
In 1944… Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, where the gold-backed U.S. dollar became the de facto world reserve currency…
In 1971… the “Smithsonian Agreement” in Washington, D.C., where the gold window and fixed exchange rates were forever altered and the current “age of inflation” began…
In 2008… the “Global Bailout” transferred wealth between nations and created insurmountable debt, forcing the price of gold to skyrocket.
Fact is…
These “rule changes” happen in major crises, much like we’re seeing today.
For you and me, this can have DEVASTATING effects.
You see, when the elites and the global deep state sit around the table and rewrite the rules, the changes are ALWAYS in their favor. But they may NOT be in ours.
In other words…
If and when the monetary collapse comes, zombies will not only be coming for your family and your possessions but right now the elite are coming for your wealth. I assume because your a USCDA member your prepared for that zombie scenario. But are you prepared for global monetary crisis?
But here’s why this is so URGENT…
We’re on the edge of a gigantic, global monetary “rewrite.” The music is about to come to a grinding, drastic halt. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.
This should be a BIG. RED. WEALTH WARNING. Flashing on your screen.
It’s also the same reason that gold is starting to move higher.
The way I see it, the “new rules” of the game will likely include gold. (That’s because gold has ALWAYS been in the mix.)
That’s why I’m issuing an URGENT action on gold today…
I’m asking you, as a USCDA member to listen carefully…
There are a few pivotal moments in all of our lives where the decisions you make can create lasting wealth or destroy your family legacy…
Today, I’m issuing an all-out “buy” alert on physical gold.
The timing is now, and the move could soon catapult gold to new all-time highs (above $2,000 an ounce).
And that’s only half the story.
I’m sure you know this, but gold has a completely limited supply.
And while the price may skyrocket from here, that’s inconsequential…
The real worry for you, your family and your wealth is that physical gold supplies could run out and the shelves may be bare.
That would be a horrible situation for anyone looking to create lasting wealth in a time of crisis.
And it’s all happening right now, in front of our eyes.
If you need more time to be persuaded that your wealth is under attack…
And you want to do some more research on which VOLATILE stock or mutual fund to put your hard-earned money into…
Unfortunately, this urgent message is not for you.
However, if you’re a man or woman of action… and you agree that the rules of the game are about to change in a big way…
Then NOW is the time to protect your wealth with physical gold…
BEFORE the shelves run bare.
Here’s What To Do Right Now…
If you’ve seen the market today, you know that gold is already on the move.
And that makes sense.
But most folks on Main Street don’t know how to act.
If you’ll allow me, I’d like to share with you the hands-down BEST thing to do is buy Gold Now..
First off, in a time like this, you want PHYSICAL gold delivered to you..
The above is also true of Silver and for many of us who cannot afford Gold should look at buying Silver. I have been buying and advocating buying silver for years. Percentage wise Silver has better return than gold and silver is relatively cheap for now. Good Luck

Friday, April 3, 2020

Banks are able to seize your account to bail out rich corporations

New Law Gives Banks Ability to Seize Your Accounts Your accounts may be at risk with the passing of a new law: The Money Market Reform Act This little known law that was quietly signed by former President Obama at the end of his term could forfeit control of YOUR account and give it to the BANKS. Here's How You Could Be Affected by The Money Market Reform Act: #1: Banks could confiscate your accounts including IRA's and 401K's #2: YOUR hard-earned life savings could be used to bail out the GREEDY banks #3: These types of accounts would no longer be FDIC insured This sneaky law which bankers refer to as the “bail-IN” leaves millions of Americans' bank accounts & IRA/401K's exposed. And the absolute crazy part is they have no idea!! Don't leave your accounts exposed to the greedy banks - the risks are real. Does this all sound familiar? Well it should as similar laws were passed in Greece & Cyprus right before the last financial meltdown. Citizens woke up one morning with their accounts completely wiped out with ZERO recourse. Bottom line: How you PREPARE could mean the difference between forfeiting your accounts or protecting them. My recommendation for now is to encourage buying in hand Gold and or silver.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Banks Need To Step For If they care about small businesses

Congress has passed a giant $2.2tn bill to help people survive the coronavirus pandemic. As part of this bill, $377bn has been set aside specifically to aid small businesses. In effect, the government is giving free money to small business owners that qualify for this aid. And most do.

If you’re running a company with fewer than 500 employees, you can now apply for up to a $10m loan under the Small Business Administration’s Section 7(a) program.
But these are not just loans. It’s free money. That’s because for those businesses that apply before 30 June, any individual loan amounts that are being used to cover eight weeks of payroll (including sick time), rent, utilities and mortgages will be forgiven. Which means that the government is literally funding our operations for a two-month period.
Are there limitations? A few. Employees are there limitations? A few. Employee compensation over an annualized $100,000 wouldn’t be part of the calculation. Documentation must be provided. Layoffs during this period would be penalized. But then there are some other bonuses. For example, non-profits and freelancers qualify. Loan payments can be deferred for up to a year. All fees are waived. Forgivable amounts are not taxed.
There’s one big obstacle that could get in the way: the banks.
These loans are being issued through the SBA’s network of member banks. And the bankers I’ve spoken to already have not exactly impressed me. When asked to comment, a few told me they “didn’t have time” to answer my questions about this program. A few others were hesitant until the “final legislation was passed” (even though the small business portion of the bill is not even under debate). Others said they hadn’t “made their plans” on how they were going to tell their small business customers.

Not a good sign out of the gate.
Like all businesses, bankers are also facing challenges. They’ve got to get their existing work done even though their employees are now working for home. They’re trying to keep their important customers happy and continue operations despite the disruptions caused by the pandemic.
For some of them, this stimulus bill is a potential hassle. The loans are low interest. Even though the government is guaranteeing them, approvals and paperwork flow will still be required. They will have to deal with many requests and repeatedly answer many of the same questions. They will need to train their loan officers. For many – particularly those that make their profits from big corporations and not necessarily small businesses – it’s just a pain in the neck and may not be worth all the headache
Well, my banking friends: now’s the time to step up. We need you.
This may not be the most profitable work and it will definitely be more work. But I’m imploring you to jump in and not make empty gestures. There are countless small businesses who need this money. There are many more that aren’t even aware of this stuff. These are people who you can help. These are livelihoods that you can sustain and communities you can save. This is your opportunity to really make a difference. It’s also an opportunity to connect with new customers too.
Banks should be jumping on this right now and not waiting or delaying. This is not the time to be conservative or prudent. This is the time to step up. How?
They should be communicating, educating and informing their local small business communities of the stimulus cash that’s available to help them survive. They should be writing blogs, producing videos, appearing on TV, radio and podcasts to get the word out. They should be setting aside special hours, making calls, working harder. They should be reaching out directly to their customers about the benefits they can offer. They should be making this their role to play in helping the country through this epidemic.
Why? Because banks care about small businesses, right? Well, if they really do, this is the time to prove it.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

According to OSHA employers must provide and pay for most PPE. The Law is on the books OSHA requires that employers protect employees from work place hazards that can cause injury or illness. That includes hospitals. All employers must anticipate worst case scenarios. That means to me that hospital administrators should have anticipated this current Pandemic (worse case scenario) such as the Caronavirus!! Some of the major hospitals across America have been producing some of the highest profits in years The question is why where they not prepared? Was it just greed of the stock holders? We as citizens need to have some answers and make sure our government officials see that can never happen again..