Tuesday, August 31, 2021

United States Civil Defense Assoc.

 United States Civil Defense Association

The United States Civil Defense Association (USCDA)

Our goal is to protect lives and property by effectively preparing for, preventing, mitigating, responding to, and recovering from all threats, crimes, hazards, and emergencies. USCDA is a private organization and not a government entity and it exists to provide humanitarian aid, and disaster response and relief on behalf of the duly elected constitutional county sheriff’s across America and help provide emergency relief where needed in his/her area of jurisdiction and to those citizens in need.

Through our sister organization “Constutitional Sheriff’s Possa”  http://constitutionalsheriffs.ning.com we can provide search and rescue, safety, force multiplier, and improved force protection, and all aspects of security. During man-made or natural disasters. USCDA and/or Constutitional Sheriff’s possa will respond to requests from any Constitutional sheriff.

In time of disasters the county sheriff is ultimately in charge of over all emergency operations in his/her county and bears all responsibility. During those situations deputies can become overwhelmed and the sheriff may need additional trained and experienced man power that operate under the command of the sheriff. Crimes, misdemeanors, disasters, public safety, community events, and keeping the peace have been the traditional role of the Sheriff. A new threat to our school children/students needs to be dealt with by county sheriffs with specially trained posse members. With new waves of man-made disasters, crime and danger is assaulting the citizen under the protection of the Sheriff as well as the very office of the Sheriff itself. Authorities in some jurisdictions are advocating abolishing the Office of Sheriff altogether..

Sheriff your follow citizens are considering one unthinkable transgression against their rights with Obama signing the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act), which authorizes the president to detain any person indefinitely without the right to appear before a judge, nullifying Habeas Corpus. Unbelievably this takes our rights back to pre Magna Carta days, AD 1215. Romney has said he supports NDAA. The Patriot Act, NDAA, and a host of laws and executive orders, in the name of homeland security, have stripped our rights and reduced us to a benevolent dictatorship. Federal warrants have to go through the sheriff’s office. Remember a constitutional sheriff is a citizen’s advocate and may be the only protection from the corrupt federal government

 can provide search and rescue, safety, force multiplier, and improved force protection, and all aspects of security. During man-made or natural disasters. USCDA will respond to requests from any Constitutional sheriff.

In time of disasters the county sheriff is ultimately in charge of over all emergency operations in his/her county and bears all responsibility. During those situations deputies can become overwhelmed and the sheriff may need additional trained and experienced man power that operate under the command of the sheriff. Crimes, misdemeanors, disasters, public safety, community events, and keeping the peace have been the traditional role of the Sheriff. A new threat to our school children/students needs to be dealt with by county sheriffs with specially trained posse members. With new waves of man-made disasters, crime and danger is assaulting the citizen under the protection of the Sheriff as well as the very office of the Sheriff itself. Authorities in some jurisdictions are advocating abolishing the Office of Sheriff altogether..

Sheriff your follow citizens are considering one unthinkable transgression against their rights with Obama signing the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act), which authorizes the president to detain any person indefinitely without the right to appear before a judge, nullifying Habeas Corpus. Unbelievably this takes our rights back to pre Magna Carta days, AD 1215. Romney has said he supports NDAA. The Patriot Act, NDAA, and a host of laws and executive orders, in the name of homeland security, have stripped our rights and reduced us to a benevolent dictatorship. Federal warrants have to go through the sheriff’s office. Remember a constitutional sheriff is a citizen’s advocate and may be the only protection from the corrupt federal government.

USCDA also offers programs serving all 3,000 counties nationwide. This represents the best practices that a successful USCDA and County Sheriff to start and maintain their partnership.

USCDA while working in partnership with the county sheriff will establish a local USCDA chapter or work with an existing USCDA chapter to train citizens in the county in Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) programs educating them about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. USCDA conducts many more emergency Management training courses made available to your county residents.

All constitutional county sheriffs should consider adding us to their emergency resource directory so in times of emergencies they cam call on the USCDA.

We have strategically aligned ourselves with experts and academia from around the world. Combined, we have along-standing tradition of excellence in the fields of disaster response, humanitarian aid, and international medicine. counter-terrorism, physical and technical security, expeditionary logistics. All through trained and experienced member volunteers.

USCDA is a USA based organization made up of people from all walks of life, including lay people, tradesmen and women and current and former Military, Local, County, State and Federal Law Enforcement, Special Operations, National Security, and Intelligence personnel as well as Fireman, Wild Land Firefighters, Paramedics, Emergency Medical technicians (EMTs) and other medical personal including Doctors and Nurses. USCDA is also a nationwide network of emergency relief  prepardeness.  We  have local  chapters in many States, counties and cities and are growing and each chapter has staged for distribution emergency supplies. USCDA has meetups for training, learning and all things preparedness. This network during times of natural and man made disasters prove invaluable.

Nations have had to rely on citizen volunteers in times of crisis such as war, revolutions, manmade and natural disasters throughout history. It is the citizen that supports emergency government and agencies. It is the trained volunteer who provides needed extra manpower during times of extreme crisis. USCDA was created to promote and defend the unalienable God-given rights of all citizens, regardless of race, sex or national origin, as is expressed in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

We promote and defend the principles of just government bequeathed to us by our forefathers. History has shown that the greatest system of checks and balances exists with the people and their States to check the powers accrued by the federal government and to support the people during emergencies of every nature and by supporting the United States Constitution.

Our goal is to create local chapters in every county and city where the local residents can be trained in emergency management, and to encourage all our members to train in the many disciplines necessary to the function of the organization as a whole and to the members individually. We further educate our members in areas of history, the constitution, law and principle as laid out by our founding Fathers.

By joining USCDA you will have available training for both man-made and natural emergencies.  Our members are able to deal with and respond to any emergencies. When responding to disasters for the people and by the people the dollar savings to the peoples government is immeasurable. It is neither practical nor economically feasible to maintain such a sizable establishment under ordinary conditions. But, in times of real crisis they are necessary and must be readily accessed.

We have developed and use a cohesive and competent command structure. This hierarchical system of rank used by the USCDA is a line authority system proven most efficient and functional in a crisis. Large numbers of volunteers can be accessed and quickly pressed into service more efficiently. Much of the training provided members are though USCDA, with some selected special training through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) National Fire Academy, California Specialized Training Institute. Survival, Preparedness,  strategic training provided by USCDA and other private groups.. USCDA centers on these areas and of accessing, organizing, and utilizing volunteers as a backup resource if needed for national, and state government and  county sheriffs. The USCDA provides a structure and organization whereby we can provide well trained and supplied boots on the ground. Provide emergency supplies of all types including water, ice, food, blankets, military cots, medical supplies, heavy equipment such as bulldozers and ftontend loaders. This is provided and maintained by, individual volunteers, company volunteers, and private volunteer organizations for low-cost, or no cost, to the government. These emergency supplies and working heavy equipment and skilled operators are an economic necessity in time of disaster. Equipment provided by private volunteer sources is often equal to, or exceeds, that provided by the government.USCDA will respond to any emergency with all our resources and volunteers when deemed appropriate.

USCDA is civil protection and is an organized effort to help protect recover U.S. citizens from man made or natural disasters or nuclear or military attack. It uses the principles of emergency operations: prevention, mitigation, preparation, response, or emergency evacuation, and recovery.

Since the end of the Cold War, the focus of civil defense has largely shifted from military attack to emergencies and disasters in general. The new concept is described by a number of terms, each of which has its own specific shade of meaning, such as crisis management, emergency management, emergency preparedness, contingency planning, emergency services, and civil protection.

During the Cold War, civil defense was seen largely as defending against and recovering from an attack involving nuclear weapons. After the end of the Cold War, the focus moved from defense against nuclear war to defense against a terrorist attack possibly involving chemical or biological weapons; in the context of the United States this eventually led to the creation the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). After the September 11 attacks in 2001, in the United States the concept of civil defense has been revisited under the umbrella term of homeland security and all-hazards emergency management.

Relatively small investments in preparation can speed up recovery by months or years and thereby prevent millions of deaths by hunger, cold and disease. [citation needed] According to human capital theory in economics, a country’s population is more valuable than all of the land, factories and other assets that it possesses. People rebuild a country after its destruction, and it is therefore important for the economic security of a country that it protect its people. According to psychology, it is important for people to feel like they are in control of their own destiny, and preparing for uncertainty via civil defense may help to achieve this. If the people are not in control, and the preparations ineffective, the government loses its credibility and the respect of its citizens.

You want to help, but what can you do WTSHTF? Terrorists destroy a government building and a friend is trapped inside. A large earthquake has destroyed much of the city and all local agencies are overloaded. A child may have been exposed to chemical or biological agents. A major fire is spreading to your neighborhood, but all firefighters are busy elsewhere. A building collapsed, people are injured and no immediate medical attention is available. Your worried about the legal aspects of providing help. Young hikers are lost in the forest. Homes have been destroyed and people need shelter and food. A neighbor may be experiencing a heart attack. A building has caved in and hasty rescue efforts might cause even more damage and loss of life. Or worse yet, hostel foreign troops try to occupy your area or full resurrection with marauding gangs threaten you and your family. When trained you will be much better able to handle such situations and survive. When properly trained and prepared you can provide protection for you, your family and your organization. You’ll be able to show loved ones what to do when the next big earthquake comes and administer emergency first aid. Set up an emergency communications network/ Provide help while avoiding legal complications. Utilize emergency preparedness or disaster preparedness kits. Organize search and rescue teams. Be the person who knows what to do in an emergency

Thursday, August 26, 2021



Michael Webster

E-mail mvwsr@aol.com

This is intended to introduce Michael Webster. Mr. Webster is an expert lay representative as a Texas, California and Alaska wide workers advocate in regards to labor issues. He deals with grievances and labor relation issues, including discrimination, unfair terminations, sexual harassment, and workers comp etc.

Worker Advocates Of Texas, California and Alaska was founded to assist the millions of citizen workers who have been abused by their employers in these tough Covid and economic times. Do you have a COVID -19 claim. Workers’ compensation claims for COVID-19 rose to a six-month high this Aug, From advice to assistance with forms, documents and procedures, Worker Advocates Of Texas, California and Alaska has the expertise that will help you in your fight for justice in the bureaucratic system.

A GRIEVANCE IS A FORMAL COMPLAINT THAT IS RAISED BY AN EMPLOYEE TOWARDS AN EMPLOYER within the workplace We represent union and none union workers in reference to labor matters.

Mr. Webster as a lay worker advocate represents clients often from the early stages of their grievance, claims and negotiates and presents your position to your employer or X employer in an effort to resolve the matter in a timely manner and in the favor of his clients before any possible litigation commences.

Mr. Webster is a Sustaining Associate Member of "The California Applicants Attorneys Association, as a Hearing Representative for California's Workers Compensation Appeals Board. In that comparative he represents lien claimants and has recovered millions of dollars for his clients.

Mr. Webster always with an eye on future legal proceeding develops all his cases with that in mind. After which time he will recommend a competent licensed labor law attorney with appropriate background and litigation experience.

Mr. Webster puts his 30 plus years in labor relations to work for you. Mr. Webster is formerly an official as a General Organizer/Business Agent with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union in California, Texas and Alaska. He worked with Labor union leaders: Harry Bridges, Jimmy Hoffa, and Alaska teamsters boss Jess Carr. Mr. Webster over the years has represented clients as a lay Labor generalist, Teamster Union Business Agent, General Organizer, Union Rank and File Member Grievances Representative, NLRB Union Representative, Union Contract Negotiator, Workers Compensation Appeals Board Hearing Representative. Mr. Webster handled the security analysis for the Alaska per-pipeline design and the safety worker issues for the Alaska Teamsters union under the direction of Alaska Teamster Boss Jess Carr and the Alaska attorney General Edgar Paul Boyko.

Michael Webster is a past or present trustee on the following Trust Funds: •Bricklayers Joint Trust Fund •Carpenters Health and Welfare Pension and Vacation Trust Funds •Floor Covering Joint Trust Fund And Apprenticeship Training Trust Fund •Glazing Health and Welfare and Pensions Trust Funds •Laborers Joint Trust Fund, and The Teamster Security Fund. Consultant Teamsters Central Pension Fund, Co-Consultant with Edgar Paul Boyko Alaska Teamster-Employer Welfare and Pension fund.

Every case is different. We encourage you to contact us to tell us your story so we can best advise you based on the specifics of your situation.

Notice: Michael Webster, nor any associates, agents, or representatives offer any legal or accounting advice. Please see your own legal and tax professional

The sky is falling

By Michael Webster

Has sky-high inflation already squeezed you financially? Well, Merrill Lynch's former top economist has some bad news. That wallet-crushing squeeze was the “easiest point” of both 2020 and 2021. Because what’s coming next is far, far worse. You see, this famed economist predicts that combination of unprecedented events will crush Wall Street and swiftly force the “economy to sputter in the next several months”. BusinessWeek’s most accurate forecaster agrees and together these experts are urging American investors to brace for a grim news for the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022. One where entire nest-eggs will be lost. Has sky-high inflation already squeezed you financially? Been to the grocery store or a gas station lately? Merrill Lynch's former top economist has some bad news that wallet-crushing squeeze was the “easiest point” of both 2020 and 2021 because what’s coming next is far, far worse you see, this famed economist predicts that a combination of unprecedented events will crush Wall Street and swiftly force the “economy to sputter in the next several months”. If your retirement savings are locked up in the stock market then you need to heed these urgent warnings because by the time you decide to act a frothy Wall Street will have sent stock prices skiding and end up wrecking your plans for your Golden Years. But it doesn’t have to be like that for you in fact, thanks to a little-known IRS rule you can protect your IRA and 401(k) accounts from a catastrophic stock market.. Because I'm committed to your success. You need to contact a bullion dealer that offer a silver IRA or a 401(k). I am not advising you what to do I can just say that I am buying Silver, Silver coins, bullion or wavers. I won't buy anything else except real silver not certificates or any paper transaction that does not deliver real .999 silver. I have a book out that delves into this and much more tilted “ Christian Covenant” you can get it by contacting me at mvwsr@aol.com 
Notice: Michael Webster, nor any associates, agents, or representatives offer any legal or accounting advice. Please see your own legal and tax professional