Thursday, March 19, 2015

Chief George Tiger  photo

George Tiger: The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Tribal Council voted to ask Tiger to resign, but he’s refused, saying the consulting contract was legal. of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation launch petition to oust chief
By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter.
For the Indian Gaming Journal
The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Election Board speaker said the action was due to the revelation in a March 8 Tulsa World story that Trible Chief George Tiger contracted in 2009 to consult with Shane Rolls, who planned to develop a casino in Broken Arrow for the Kialegee Tribal Town.

Records show that the contract would have paid Tiger 5 percent of the revenues from the proposed Kialegee casino, which would have been built in Broken Arrow. It also promised Tiger up to $200,000 in bonus cash payments for securing the all important land agreements and payment of $5,000 per month if successful once the casino opened.

It is alleged that the Broken Arrow casino could have siphoned up to $40 million per year from the Creek Nation’s River Spirit casino in Tulsa. 

The casino project stalled after public opposition grew and a federal judge issued an injunction halting construction.Although that order was later overturned, Rolls has said the casino will not be built on the Broken Arrow site. He said the project is moving forward but has declined to identify the new site. 

Paperwork formally kicking off an effort to remove Muscogee (Creek) Nation Principal Chief  Tiger from office was filed Tuesday with the tribe’s Election Board. 

Spokesperson Shelly Harjo-Brandy said supporters of Tiger’s removal will meet at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Best Western hotel in Okmulgee to begin gathering signatures.
The group has 60 days to gather at least 3,290 signatures from tribal members. According to documents that number represents approximately  20 percent of the registered tribal voters. 
Harjo-Brandy said the group hopes to collect at least 4,000 signatures.
“I feel we’ll meet it,” she said.

The Creek Nation’s council voted 12-0 in an emergency session March 9 to ask Tiger to resign. At least a three-fourths vote of the National Council, or 12 of 16 members, is required to remove the chief. .If a sufficient number of signatures is gathered, the National Council will review the petition and decide whether to proceed with impeachment proceedings.

The impeachment petition includes a list of claims against Tiger in addition to those associated with the Broken Arrow casino. 

Tiger has previously denied any wrongdoing to the Journal in connection with the Kialegee casino plan. He claims that any agreements he had with Rolls expired after he was elected to the Creek National Council in 2011.

“While still a private citizen in 2009, I embraced an opportunity to serve in a consulting capacity to an initiative that aspired to improve the economic development and potential for jobs. In so doing, I understand now that my services and intentions may be misinterpreted,” Tiger said in a statement released Friday.
His statement says that because the contract was signed before he was sworn into office in January 2010, there was nothing improper about his consulting role.
“My consulting business agreement for the Kialegee project terminated when I took the oath of office for National Council member January 2, 2010. I did not take project fees after that date. Former business associates did provide campaign donations,” he said.

The Journal has learned that the chief responded  to the recent vote asking for his resignation in a public letter to the tribe. 

In the letter, Tiger said he waited to respond to avoid 'acting or communicating in haste' and called the meeting of the tribal council 'inflammatory.'  The vote came after a newspaper article alleged Tiger had signed a contract to help another tribe build a casino in Tulsa County, which would be in competition with the Muscogee (Creek) Nation projects. 
after the contract was gotten for Tiger to be a consultant with another tribe. 
In his statement Tiger said, " I can state categorically that I have acted at all times in accordance with our constitution and the best interests of ALL Creek citizens." He also said the agreement with the Kialegee was not secret but was public information. 

Here is the full statement: 

"Hesci Muscogee (Creek) Citizens!
Since an inflammatory story in a recent media outlet and a National Council meeting earlier this week, I have listened with concern to questions raised by members of our Nation. I weighed thoughtfully the feedback of experts in our constitutional law, and I refrained from acting or communicating in haste.
I learned of the article, which I believe was encouraged by a small group of citizens that includes the previous Chief and those who have publicly announced candidacy for the position to which I am currently entrusted, while I was out of town to receive the American Indian Leadership Award at the National Reservation Economic Summit. The fourth nationally recognized award presented to Muscogee (Creek) Nation during my administration.
I have an extensive and diverse record of serving my fellow citizens of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation in both an official capacity as an elected official and personally. I take my responsibility to the Nation with due solemnity, am very proud of contributions my office and staff have achieved while serving the citizens of the Nation. I feel both humbled and blessed to serve in a leadership role in improving the quality of life for all MCN citizens.
I can state categorically that I have acted at all times in accordance with our constitution and the best interests of ALL Creek citizens.
Be reminded, that due to the unique history of Muscogee (Creek) Nation, the citizens of tribal towns are also citizens of the MCN. My long record of service to Muscogee (Creek) citizens thus has necessarily overlapped to include those Creeks who also happen to be dual members of our Nation and of tribal towns.
Moreover, many Creek citizens have suffered disproportionately from economic distress and very high unemployment. Having grown up in similar conditions, I feel a call on my heart and have honored a responsibility throughout my career to do all that I could to alleviate these harsh conditions. As a businessman, a councilman and now as your Chief, I am committed to bringing jobs and economic development to our distressed localities for all Creeks and non-Creeks alike. Under my administration, more than 800 new jobs have been created and the Permanent Fund is near $300 million, an increase of approximately 30%.
This is why, while still a private citizen in 2009, I embraced an opportunity to serve in a consulting capacity to an initiative that aspired to improve the economic development and potential for jobs. In so doing, I understand now that my services and intentions may be misinterpreted.
In both 2010 and 2011 there was no legislative action taken by the National Council regarding the Kialegee Tribal Town gaming facility. Ultimately they chose a site in Broken Arrow near our premier gaming facility. I opposed approval of the project. As the seated Principal Chief, I acted in the best interests of the MCN and fully upheld my oath of office.
Throughout my time on the council and between my election and oath of office, the business agreement I held with the Kialegee project group was not a secret. I repeat: not a secret. This item was brought to the attention of the council and was met with no objections at the time. This was a business consulting contract. The absence of any action taken by our Nation's attorney general speaks volumes for the lack of constitutional merits of this topic and the resulting story.
Moving forward I encourage citizens, including National Council members, with questions to reach out to my office staff and I will address any remaining inquiries. I have every confidence that this matter will be resolved when cooler heads prevail, all the facts are brought to light and the untruths or misinterpretations are shown to be what they truly are. My staff and I are eager to move past the unproductive political squabbling and focus on the important business of helping our people.
In closing, I want to personally thank many of you for your words of encouragement and prayers for comfort. That is the Mvskoke Way!
George Tiger Principal Chief "

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