Sunday, July 5, 2020

FBI Confirms Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation

We’ve all heard the rumors that former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden were marginally involved in the FBI’s investigation into retired general and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. But up until now, it was believed that they had little to do with it beyond knowing about it. However, newly declassified documents reveal that the whole thing was likely Obama and Biden’s idea.
The document is a two-page list of handwritten notes by disgraced and fired former FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok regarding a meeting in the Oval Office on January 4, 2017, just days before the Trump administration would take over and Obama’s would vacate the White House. The notes were released on Wednesday after being withheld from the defense.
The meeting was known to be attended by Obama, Biden, former FBI Director James Comey, former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. Being discussed was the recent phone calls between Flynn and then-Russian ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. The two supposedly were discussing the recently implemented sanctions against Moscow, which would have been a completely normal thing to do considering Flynn’s about to be position within the White House administration.
However, the democratic administration wanted to make sure that Trump’s presidency and election into the White House were tainted with what appeared to be Russian collusion and so sought to make Flynn look like an example of this conspiracy.
The investigation into Flynn was ordered to stay open, and evidence planted to make him look guilty. Strzok set a perjury trap for the former general, “to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired,” about his conversations with Kislyak. And so he was fired and prosecuted.
This information was found out in April when documents were found and released that proved the FBI’s collusion against Flynn. However, it wasn’t known just how far this thing went up the ladder until Tuesday when notes Strzok’s notes from the infamous January meeting were also released.
In the notes, it suggests that Biden was the one to actually suggest trying to use the Logan Act against Flynn. And Obama didn’t object. In fact, he went on to say, “These are unusual times,” and as such, told Comey to “make sure to look at things and have the right people on it” so that it would stick.
Comey then admitted that the Flynn/Kislyak calls were “legit.”
This last bit in and of itself is huge. I mean, the FBI Director admitted that there was nothing wrong with those phone calls. And yet he was ok with continuing a faulty investigation into them.
But even worse than that is our then-Vice President suggesting that Flynn could be taken down by the Logan Act, which is a law established in 1790 that made it illegal for private citizens to negotiate with foreign diplomats.
Flynn, had he not been the incoming National Security Advisor, would have been such a private citizen. However, his newly appointed post would have made this entire argument moot.  And all parties involved in this meeting would have known that.
But that clearly didn’t stop them from committing crimes of their own.
Instead, Biden, a man who is now running for the highest office in the nation, began the process of railroading an innocent man just because of his political affiliations.
And of course, he has lied about it several times.
In early 2017, Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he knew “nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn. And even as late as this May, he told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell that he “was never part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into Flynn while I was in office. Period. Not one single time.”
However, only days earlier, on May 12, Biden spoke to Stephanopoulos again, admitting that he knew about the investigation but nothing more. “I was aware that they asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it.”
So which is it? Did he know or not? And since it’s apparent that he lied about this simple fact, it wouldn’t be hard to believe he lied about his further involvement in it.

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