Friday, July 2, 2021

Gold Placer Mining Claims Southern California


Gold Placer Mining Claims Southern California
Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter:
It may come as a surprise to most southern Californian’s that mining is a part of this area’s rich history. Long before the cry of gold was heard at the Mother load country of Northern California tales were told of gold flakes and nuggets being found on properties right here in Southern California. Prehistoric as well as historical Indians along with early Spaniards are believed by some to have mined for gold both in L.A. and Orange counties before other Europeans and Americans.
Weekend and day gold prospectors are heading for the Mountains in Southern California and are not just looking for gold but checking out their new just purchased gold mining claims. Not far from downtown Los Angeles and Santa Anna and where sunny beaches and millions of people reside there are dozens of gold claims to be had.
Welcome to the exciting world of gold prospecting, sluicing, panning, hand dredging, crevassing & detecting.
Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter: April 7th2013 2:05 PM PDT
It may come as a surprise to most southern Californian’s that mining is a part of this area’s rich history. Long before the cry of gold was heard at the Mother load country of Northern California tales were told of gold flakes and nuggets being found on properties right here in Southern California. Prehistoric as well as historical Indians along with early Spaniards are believed by some to have mined for gold both in L.A. and Orange counties before other Europeans and Americans.
Weekend and day gold prospectors are heading for the Mountains in Southern California and are not just looking for gold but checking out their new just purchased gold mining claims. Not far from downtown Los Angeles and Santa Anna and where sunny beaches and millions of people reside there are dozens of gold claims to be had.
Welcome to the exciting world of gold prospecting, sluicing, panning, hand dredging, crevassing & detecting.With the almost daily increase in gold’s value it’s only natural to want to acquire gold on your own terms while enjoying the great outdoors with an UNPATENTED PLACER MINING CLAIM in the heart of gold country, yes, I mean Southern California.
Most gold claims will always include a properly filed location of minerals with the county and BLM, maps with corners marked and a description with longitude/latitude, locations of access roads, forms on how to keep your claim active, and a notarized quit claim deed to the buyer. Some claims are better than others as to accessibility and the possibility of finding gold. Prospecting for gold, whether panning, sluicing or dredging is HARD work and gold is HARD to locate. Many claim sellerswill answer any pertinent questions about their mining claims. It is important to understand what you are getting for your hard earned money. If you are in the area of the claim most sellers are willing to show you the claim personally as to the boundaries and location. We always recommend that you check the claim status for yourself before purchasing. Check these on BLMs’ LR2000 website or call the State BLM Office in Sacramento.
Please do your homework before buying. Ask questions if you don’t know! The BLM is in the business of managing land, NOT MINING. Get all questions & concerns thoroughly explained and answered before buying.Most claims on the open market today are not a patented site, nor are there any guarantees of ore content or values. They are most likely an UNPATENTED claim, and require a yearly maintenance fee of $140 per year, per claim, (or submit a waiver Cost of $10.00 to retain ownership.
WHAT IS AN UNPATENTED MINING CLAIM? A mining claim is a parcel of land for which the claimant has asserted a right of possession and the right to develop and extract a discovered, valuable, mineral deposit.
IS THE LAND MINE? In a landmark case in 1930, the Supreme Court stated that: When the location of a mining claim is perfected under the law, it has the effect of a grant by the United States of the right of present and exclusive possession. The claim is property in the fullest sense of that term; and may be Sold, Transferred, Mortgaged, and Inherited without infringing any right or title of the United States and is considered real property. You own only the mineral rights until a patent is secured from the government. Presently, there is a moratorium on issuance of patents; however this is subject to change in the future. Presently, because of the moratorium on issuing Patents, no applications are being accepted.
WHAT IF I FIND OTHERS CAMPING, FISHING, HUNTING HIKING, ETC ON MY CLAIM? Others may recreate on an unpatented mining claim, however: you have the right to post mining claim signs warning the public of possible hazards and dangerous conditions pertaining to your mining procedures. You may also post “No Trespassing of Mineral Rights”. In most instances, the public will respect your rights and the signs help to convey the claimant’s rights.
CAN I SELL OR GIVE MY CLAIM AWAY? Mining claims and sites are considered real property! The interest in them and associated rights may be bought, sold, transferred, leased, rented, willed or inherited. Unpatented mining claims in Oregon are not taxed. To keep your claim active, you must pay a maintenance fee to the BLM of $140.00 on or before September 1st of each year for the following year. The BLM does not send notices and expects you to remember to file this fee or your mining claim is declared closed and you lose the possession of your claim. After a location of mineral deposit has been filed with the county and BLM, a mining claim may be purchased by one or more claimants. CAN I BUILD ON MY CLAIM? PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CLOSELY. The mining laws permit the prospector and miner to make reasonable use of a mining claim, as long as the use is incident and necessary to prospecting, mining and processing operations. However, an erroneous impression sometimes exists to the effect that the act of staking a mining claim is the shortest route to obtaining public land for a home site, weekend retreat or other unlawful purpose. ANY USE OF THE SURFACE OF AN UNPATENTED MINING CLAIM FOR PURPOSES UNRELATED TO MINING IS UNAUTHORIZED and therefore, considered to be in trespass. (BLM notice to mining claimants, October 2007)
WHO CAN OWN A CLAIM: Any citizen of the United States, a minor who has reached the age of discretion, a corporation, and non-citizens (aliens) who have declared their intention to become a citizen.
After a location of mineral deposit has been filed with the county and BLM, a mining claim may be purchased by one or more claimants. The claimant can also be a business name.
There are lots of Gold claims in Southern California you just have to look for them. You can find them on the Internet, EBAY, and open market sellers in newspapers and mining magazines.
The following is a real and current gold mining claim that is available and for sale in Orange County California. This is a sample of what’s available out there on the open market for Southern California.
Orange County, California, sits the Santa Ana MountainRange, and Trabuco Creek, much of which is located in the Cleveland National Forestin South Orange County
20 Acre Placer Gold Claim, Orange County Ca, rich Deposits, Trabuco Creek.
Price:$10,500.00 Seller’s Location:Southern California Zip Code:92651
*20 Acre* Placer Gold Claim

Historic Trabuco Creek
Santiago Mountain
Orange County
This Claim encompasses a total of 20 Acres that is 95%workable, has easy access, year ’round water, and shallow bedrock, many benches that can be worked and that are totally untouched! It is located within the Cleveland National Forest and is within 20-30 minutes of services, restaurants, hotels and freeways. This is a paradise for the weekend prospector that is looking for a Gold Claim that has definite deposits and can be worked year ’round. This is one of best locations in the Trabuco Creek area because it gets flow and deposits from several tributaries into Trabuco Creek and other Canyons! There is no other claim in the area that has this.
This productive placer gold claim is easy to get to and the road can be travelled in a passenger car and there are numerous places to park within the length of the claim. The entire length of the claim, 1320′,is on this creek and there is approximately 660′ of width to do various types of prospecting including metal detecting, high-banking, crevassing and sluicing/panning. Much of this claim has not been touched in decades so the potential of hitting a good pay streak is excellent! This is the last claim of this size on this creek that is within the Cleveland National Forest! It is clear of any roads or Right of Ways and is noton Private Property.
This is a FULL 20 Acre Placer Claim!!
REMEMBER, this is Orange County, not the High Desert! This is beautiful forest land, with running water, no extreme heat to deal with and the ability to prospect ALL YEAR! The deposits in this area could be as good as some of the claims in the Mother Lode region. There are several old Lode Mines that have fed this creek for decades, so the deposits are numerous. The claim is strewn with large boulders and lots of quartz with ore deposits. There are no long desert roads to drive to get to this claim and when you are done, you can drive for 20 minutes and go to a nice restaurant!
This is a Placerclaim, so there are no dangerous shafts to enter or a lot of material that you need to process…….and there are very nice amounts of gold and silver in the creek! The deposits that we have found and tested (yes, we test our claims!), have had very nice large flake and flour as well as nice pickers. (We have never dug more than 2′!!).
This area has a very good Gold and Sliver history for more than 100 years and has seen very little prospecting. Some of the benches are more like islands, created when the creek was much higher and consequently moved tons of material, large boulders and uprooted trees. We have always found Gold here and never thoroughly prospected the area, and only done test prospecting.FAQ:
This is an “Unpatented” Mining Claim…..this means that you own the “Mineral Rights” only. You, as owner of the Claim are governed by the regulations of both the BLM and National Forest. You have the right to ALL of the minerals (Gold, Silver, etc…) within the boundaries of the Claim.
You also have the right to camp on the Claim as long as it is within the regulations of the BLM and National Forest Service. If you are unfamiliar with any of these regulations, we suggest that you contact the appropriate entity, or us, and ask questions. We are available to answer any questions that you may have. (we will do our best to answer your questions before purchase).
You are allowed to build on the Claim as long as it is within the regulations and meets all local codes. Necessary paperwork would need to be filed before you could build and approval would have to be granted.
All fees have been paid through September 1, 2013. The annual maintenance fees for this claim are $140.00 unlessa Small Miner’s Waiver is submitted, then the annual fee is $10.00
The interest, in all or part, may be transferred thru a Quitclaim Deed.
We do not make any claims to the potential amount of minerals, gold or otherwise, that may be found on this Claim. Prospecting takes patience and hard work. We recommend that you ask questions and do your own due diligence.
(yes, we have found gold here).
This is a quality located Claim, all the necessary paperwork is done with both the BLM and County Recorder and has marked the Claim per BLM regulations. We live in the area, not out of state like some other sellers, and we are here to assist you. We WILL answer your questions!
The Claim is; CAMC 0305957, with a Legal Description which includes Section(s) 5, Township 6 South, Range 6 West, Meridian 27.
We are recreational miners/prospectors and have been involved in this area of endeavor for many decades. We encourage your questions and will do our best to answer them in a timely fashion. We do ALL of our research ourselves. We live in California and do ALL of the work ourselves, we do not outsource at all.
There will be a $150.00 Transfer Fee in addition to the Selling Price. This will cover all recordings with the County, BLM, Quitclaim Deed and Notary. Purchase may be made in the form of Personal Check, Cashier’s Check, Money Order or Cash. If payment is made via Personal Check or Cashier’s Check, funds must clear before ownership will be transferred.Buyer needs to allow 1-2 weeks for the paperwork(Quitclaim Deed) to be mailed to them directly after Payment
This is an actual Unpatented Placer Mining Claim. An 20 acre Southern Orange county California gold claim. This claim has a gravel road that leads right along Trabuco Creek... This claim is situated to have the maximum amount of workable area. The purchaser will have all fees paid for 2013. You will have nothing to pay until Sept. 1st, 2013. You will have a continually flowing, year-round creek that welcomes any permissible sized mining operation. For enquires and more details on this 20 ac. gold claim call 949 697-5676 or 949 376-7632
To name a few known Recreational gold producing Rivers and Creeks in L.A. and Orange counties.
Many rivers, creeks and canyons in the San Gabriel Mountains of L.A. County.
San Gabriel River North, East & West Forks
Santa Clara River
Piru Creek
Mill Creek
Alder Creek
Wickiup Canyon
Gold Creek
Placerita Creek
Cow Canyon
Cold water Canyon
Bear Creek
Lyle Creek all forks
Orange County
Santa Ana River
San Juan Creek and many of its tributaries
Trabuco Creek and many of its tributaries
San Mateo Creek
Tenaja Creek
Lucas Creek

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