Friday, July 30, 2021
WIB Financial Group's Services
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
WIB Financial Group Consulting Services
Business Funding & Consulting
local business WIB Financial Group LLC to see if we can possibly
establish a business relationship. Founded in 1972 is known to be
the One
Stop Shop
for all of a businesses financial needs. We have been offering
financial solutions to various businesses here in laguna for a
good many years, from small to medium sized businesses in all
different types of industries. WIB Financial Group is committed to
serving the needs of each and every one of our clients, including
clients with little or troubled credit history. We
are here to provide the best financial solution to help grow your
business to its full potential. At
WIB we pride ourselves in proven results by delivering a custom
tailored business solution to each of our clients.
WIB Financial Group Michael Webster 301 Forest Ave Laguna Beach, California 92651 Office 949 494-7121 |
By Michael Webster
Excerpt: From Venture Capital. “How to raise business Capital for the 21st century
The dictionary defines “micro” as “small, abnormally small” and describes “economics” as, the “science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of commodities relating to the necessities of life”. Hence the word “MICRONOMICS” coined by this author in relation to this financing program.
“Micronomics” opens up a whole new world of financing for the very poor. It enables them to participate in the economic system that normally they are locked out of. It allows anyone who wants to become a part of the system to turn the wheels of their own commerce, no matter how small. In fact, the smaller the better. It is an exciting new strategy to combat poverty.
Micronomics is the practice of extending equity loans to low-income people all over the world to help them obtain working capital to create their own “micro businesses.”
Micronomics is a wonderful and dramatic departure from traditional charity or welfare programs. Business capital is provided, not given. Repayment is required and an equity position in the business is retained. In the world of economics where cash is king, the effect is amazing. This departure from conventional economic development strategies differs in the way it extends the freedom to use the capital, while demanding the responsibility of paying it back. This helps to avoid the draining of dignity and confidence that is often a by-product of charity and welfare.
Small business or “microenterprise”, the result of micronomics, is becoming the best and only road to economic freedom and provides the only opportunity for most low-income people of the world, including many low-income Americans.
Banks and other lending financial institutions are simply unwilling or unable to meet these needs. Banks have been merging to compete in a global economy. As banks have grown larger, they have become increasingly dependent on larger loans, so the interest gained from a small loan isn’t enough to be profitable.
The world economies have serious weaknesses when it comes to the poor. Employers continue to downsize. Low wages mean growing numbers of working poor. The income gap between rich and poor is growing at an alarming rate.
Microenterprise is an especially important option for women who often face the two-fold task of being a parent and earning a living. Three out of every four “microentrepreneurs”, are women.
The world is coming to realize how important micronomics is to women. Many choose self-employment as a way to earn income while caring for their children. Three- fourths of all “microloans” in America and around the world go to women. Research indicates that assisting the self-employed is a valuable and cost-effective strategy. In 1994, almost 50 percent of female-headed households in America lived in poverty, more than three times the poverty rate of married couples. During the period of 1994 to 1996, single mothers were eight times as likely as married couples to live in poverty.
Among the facts, which have emerged about microenterprise, are the results of a recent study conducted by the Aspen Institute. Of several hundred microentrepreneurs in seven programs across the United States, 25 percent climbed out of poverty in three years. Almost half had significant increases in their business and personal assets. In addition, the Institute estimates that the cost of creating jobs through microenterprise ranges from $2,000.00 to $9,000.00, considerably less than most other strategies.
AEO, the National Association of Organizations, project by the year 2008 that over a million low-income people will achieve self-sufficiency through self-employment.
Micronomics focuses on personal asset accumulation and pride of ownership rather than on current welfare policy, income and consumption.
Michael Webster through WIB Financial Group (WIB) is a “microlender” and does not rely on collateral or credit on the first transaction, but invests capital in a person’s business or new business idea. WIB receives repayment of principle along with retaining an equity position in the business. Small groups are formed and they guarantee each other’s loans. The initial “microloan” amounts are small. They are often multiple and progressive.
One of my goals is a campaign to help provide technical assistance and funding throughout the United States and the world, working to ensure that millions of the world’s poorest families, especially women, Latino’s, African-Americans, Native Americans, and other minorities, and the worlds poorest, receive credit for self-employment through micronomics.
In the three-year period between 1994 and 1996, three out of ten Americans fell below the poverty line. One in twenty stayed impoverished. Half of all American children live in households with no net financial assets.
The gap between the richest and poorest ten percent of the U.S. population is greater than that of all other industrialized countries. Yet during the 1980s, the incomes of the richest
1% of American families grew 62% while the bottom 60% of families actually experienced a decline. Also, since 1973, wages have fallen 16 percent after adjusting for inflation. Even full-time workers, 47%, live below the poverty line and it is estimated that there are now nearly 10 million working poor in this county.
African-American household income is only 62 cents for every dollar earned by Caucasian households. Assets owned African-Americans own only 8 cents for every dollar by Caucasians. The poverty rate for African-Americans has been at least three times that of Caucasians since 1979, reaching 33.1% in 1993, and the rate for Hispanics climbed from 21.9% to 30.6% in 1993.
What needs to be impressed upon politicians, business and civic leaders, is the need to build a more inclusive local and world economy. Educate policy makers about the large contribution micronomics can make to a community’s economic vitality and how it can inspire democracy and allow those in the community to participate in and be a part of capitalism. Church members should be informed of microcredit’s contribution to the fight for economic and social justice. Women and minorities should be shown the special promise that microcredit and microenterprise hold for them. Teach young people all over the world about their own economy and society, and tell them of the many opportunities micronomics can provide for their future. Share with them, fresh ideas of how they can participate and have a shot at success. Teach them how to nurture new sources of financial support for specific microcredit and microenterprise development that can benefit them. Encourage volunteers and community activists to help provide the support systems microentrepreneurs need to prosper. Micronomics greatest contribution maybe beyond just the numbers. It maybe in the way it can help create self-esteem, independence and a chance at a successful business. That is the hope it can provide for them and for their future.
Anyone interested or anyone who knows someone who could benefit from this Micronomic program contact WIB Financial Group, 301 Forest Ave, Laguna Beach, CA 92651. Or E-mail
See more articles by Michael Webster:
Venture Capital by Michael Webster
Why read this book? Michael Webster is one of the few people in the world that has the global experience to clearly explain all aspects of finance. His depth of finance knowledge as it applies to the systems within the United States and all countries around the world is absolutely astounding. His business ownership experience in numerous global markets, his many years representing U.S. business abroad, his expertise representing both labor and management, and his venture capitalist profession gives Michael Webster the unique ability to assist anyone with small, medium or large scale finance needs. The uniqueness this book provides the reader has two perspectives; how the global economy works and how you can profit from it!
Why select this book? It takes specialized finance today to obtain the maximum benefit for your company and personal goals. This book allows those with a desire to learn from the author’s 35 plus years of finance experience, expertise, and accomplishments, the ability to plan their own substantial success by working closely with the WIB Financial Group LLC.
Why reference this book? The magnitude of knowledge and the way the information is logically laid out makes it very easy for the reader to explore and master: venture capital, equity funding, limited liability companies, offshore corporations, offshore banking, trusts, asset protection, international bank ownership, small business loan assistance, proposal profiles, feasibility studies, business plans, tax reduction, public shells, blind pools, leases, advertising, global economy, international law, negotiations, and much more.
Why train with this book? It is an information manual, training manual, textbook, and a finance-planning book for today’s quickly changing global marketplace. Mr. Webster has many training courses for which this book is used as the model for beginners as well as advanced finance professionals. The goal of this book is for you or your company to benefit by taking advantage of each carefully thought out chapter so that you can adapt to the business climate, no matter what challenges are before you.
Why recommend this book? It is brilliantly conceived and written so that your recommended client or friend’s wealth can increase substantially too. Mastering the principles with a friend or partner enhances the learning process. Working with WIB learning process at (mach) speed.
Enjoy the journey to financial wealth.
Michael N. Guttentag
Business owner and successful entrepreneur (trained by WIB Financial)
The company began its operations in 1972 as a Private Independent International Banking consultant firm. Western International Banking (WIB) provided correspondent global banking services, and offered private banks complete with consulting, research and financial information retrieval systems. WIB also pioneered micronomics. .
WIB has performed extensive research in the area of finance to date, the WIB Associates travel globally to make personal contacts and investigations in order to negotiate various business, investment, and financial transactions. WIB maintains a close working relationship, some contractual, with leading bankers, attorneys, professionals, private investors, dealers, traders, brokers, governments, international lenders and trusts. These contacts provide them with a wide-range of products and services that WIB draws on to meet the needs of the client base.
Since it’s beginning of operation, WIB has developed financial contacts to satisfy the most complex situation. WIB works directly with 10 major U.S. financial institutions and over 200 private and institutional investors. WIB’S contacts represent a total investment in business and real projects of billions. WIB has over 10,000 U.S. products and services, all available for export, and represents over 600 major companies.
In addition to WIB’S associations and presence in Europe and around the world, their international contacts include over many banking institutions, all rated within the top 100 banks in the world. In addition, WIB maintains a relationship with “special service” banks, an international securities firm and a host of other bona fide contacts
Worldwide. WIB can truly bring the world’s services to you.
WIB research services are second to none in the field. If swift, accurate and precise information is needed, WIB is well equipped to meet your exacting requirements.
WIB prides themselves on their ability to bring the parties together for a mutually beneficial business relationship.
To be successful in any business arena, it is crucial to have accurate information and connections. Let WIB be your first choice if:
* You need Venture Capital
* You want to expand into a market (on or offshore), and you need specialized
* You need big demand U.S. products
* There is a potential opportunity that may make the difference between your successes
Or failure
* You want to get a “jump” on your competition
* Confidential data is needed on an immediate basis
* You want to market your product or service on the international market
* Untapped markets need to be investigated on your behalf
In addition to providing you with accurate information, WIB is in a position to evaluate a proposal and give an unbiased analysis with supporting data for your independent verification; or you may require a presentation to your associates on a requested subject. WIB can arrange for a WIB Associate to make an on-site presentation or seminar.
If you recognize a situation in which any of these services may be of benefit to you or your clients, think of WIB and contact them at: 949 494 2171
See more articles by Michael Webster:
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
China To Kill The Dollar
"China’s economy has come back roaring from the depths of the pandemic, and its currency has joined the ride..."
Here’s How China is attacking your retirement:
China is poised to strike the dollar and other foreign currencies while the rest of the world is still on its heels. This would cause a global market collapse that could destroy your retirement savings.
Front #1 - China Buying Gold at Record Levels
an effort to manipulate currency even further, China intends to
become the world's leading holder of gold. Most prominent financial
analysts are convinced that China will continuously purchase and
stockpile gold in an effort to manipulate their currency and
ultimately weaken the dollar.
China’s gold stockpiling directly attacks the US Dollar and Stock Market.
Currency manipulation from China kills US Manufacturing.
A weak Dollar diminishes your retirement value, often without warning.
Front #2 - China’s Obsession with African Resources
loans to African countries were backed with future natural resources
to be mined from the country. Resources like oil, lithium, nickel,
gold and other rare-earth minerals. They were also backed with
collateral from their national infrastructure, like 46 sea ports and
over 3000 miles of rail lines. When the financial crisis hits Africa,
China will flourish, gaining another global foothold on natural
resources, ahead of America.
The global price of goods will rise, causing inflation.
US Manufacturing will vanish with the rise in resource costs.The US Government cannot do anything to intervene.
Attack Front #3 - China’s Digital Yuan Cyber-Currency Launch
With the world's economic system still slowed by the consequences of the pandemic, the Chinese Communist state recently released an introductory model for a digital crypto-currency form of the yuan. The digital currency is the first shot in the war on cash in China. This cybercash version also produces the alarming probability that the Chinese government will be tracking or even fully controlling the consumer spending of nearly 2 billion Chinese people.Controlling the spending habits of the Chinese population will eliminate US produced goods, killing the US economy and your retirement!
The US Dollar will be shut out of the World Digital Economy, which could make your retirement savings plummet.
Monday, July 12, 2021
Law License Of Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Suspended Both New York & Washington DC
In a scathing 33-page decision last month, the New York Supreme Court's appellate division said Giuliani misled the public, the courts and lawmakers as he pushed the false narrative that widespread voter fraud stole the presidency from his client.
The court said Giuliani's misconduct deepened partisan divisions in the country and inflamed tensions that led to the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, when Trump supporters stormed the building to disrupt a joint congressional session to confirm state-certified Electoral College votes.
"The seriousness of respondent's uncontroverted misconduct cannot be overstated," the court said. "This country is being torn apart by continued attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 election and of our current president, Joseph R. Biden."
More:Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York over false claims made working for Trump
Giuliani, a former mayor of New York and a fixture in New York City politics, has been at the forefront of Trump's failed effort to reverse his loss and is part of a coterie of attorneys who sought to invalidate results in battleground states by relying on conspiracy theories that have been disproved by state and federal courts and election security officials.
"The seriousness of respondent's uncontroverted misconduct cannot be overstated," the court said. "This country is being torn apart by continued attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 election and of our current president, Joseph R. Biden."
More:Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York over false claims made working for Trump
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
The Biggest Ransomware Attack In History
By Michael Webster Syndicated Investigative reporter
Friday, July 2, 2021
Gold Placer Mining Claims Southern California