Monday, July 12, 2021

Law License Of Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Suspended Both New York & Washington DC


In a scathing 33-page decision last month, the New York Supreme Court's appellate division said Giuliani misled the public, the courts and lawmakers as he pushed the false narrative that widespread voter fraud stole the presidency from his client.

The court said Giuliani's misconduct deepened partisan divisions in the country and inflamed tensions that led to the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, when Trump supporters stormed the building to disrupt a joint congressional session to confirm state-certified Electoral College votes.

"The seriousness of respondent's uncontroverted misconduct cannot be overstated," the court said. "This country is being torn apart by continued attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 election and of our current president, Joseph R. Biden."

More:Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York over false claims made working for Trump

Giuliani, a former mayor of New York and a fixture in New York City politics, has been at the forefront of Trump's failed effort to reverse his loss and is part of a coterie of attorneys who sought to invalidate results in battleground states by relying on conspiracy theories that have been disproved by state and federal courts and election security officials.

"The seriousness of respondent's uncontroverted misconduct cannot be overstated," the court said. "This country is being torn apart by continued attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 election and of our current president, Joseph R. Biden."

More:Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York over false claims made working for Trump

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