Wednesday, July 21, 2021

China To Kill The Dollar


If you think the dollar has lost value now—just wait.

"China’s economy has come back roaring from the depths of the pandemic, and its currency has joined the ride..."

Here’s How China is attacking your retirement:

China is poised to strike the dollar and other foreign currencies while the rest of the world is still on its heels. This would cause a global market collapse that could destroy your retirement savings.

Attack Front #1 - China Buying Gold at Record Levels
In an effort to manipulate currency even further, China intends to become the world's leading holder of gold. Most prominent financial analysts are convinced that China will continuously purchase and stockpile gold in an effort to manipulate their currency and ultimately weaken the dollar.

  • China’s gold stockpiling directly attacks the US Dollar and Stock Market.

  • Currency manipulation from China kills US Manufacturing.

  • A weak Dollar diminishes your retirement value, often without warning.

Attack Front #2 - China’s Obsession with African Resources
Chinese loans to African countries were backed with future natural resources to be mined from the country. Resources like oil, lithium, nickel, gold and other rare-earth minerals. They were also backed with collateral from their national infrastructure, like 46 sea ports and over 3000 miles of rail lines. When the financial crisis hits Africa, China will flourish, gaining another global foothold on natural resources, ahead of America.

  • The global price of goods will rise, causing inflation.

  • US Manufacturing will vanish with the rise in resource costs.The US Government cannot do anything to intervene.

  • Attack Front #3 - China’s Digital Yuan Cyber-Currency Launch
    With the world's economic system still slowed by the consequences of the pandemic, the Chinese Communist state recently released an introductory model for a digital crypto-currency form of the yuan. The digital currency is the first shot in the war on cash in China. This cybercash version also produces the alarming probability that the Chinese government will be tracking or even fully controlling the consumer spending of nearly 2 billion Chinese people.

  • Controlling the spending habits of the Chinese population will eliminate US produced goods, killing the US economy and your retirement!

  • The US Dollar will be shut out of the World Digital Economy, which could make your retirement savings plummet.

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