Tuesday, June 15, 2021









 One of the fundamental mistakes made by people, especially Christians when they seek the capital necessary for their enterprises is to view the acquisition of capital as an event. IT IS NOT AN EVENT BUT IS THE CULMINATION OF A PROCESS AND A SYSTEM. As Christians, we understand that we are called to display victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. In understanding these things, we must recognize that the world as such is defined as an amalgamation of systems. If we as Christians are to use and conquer unrighteous mammon, we have also to understand that we need systems in place for the manifestation of the requirements and tools needed to fulfill the tasks we believe God has given us. The world systems have an order of doing business;


1. A Plan

2. The Capital

3. Buy the People.


God has a different order;


1. A Plan - the vision

2. The People - called and chosen.

3. The Provision.


God has a plan (system) and plans (systems) for us to discover and follow. This requires diligence and study on our part coupled with the need to be knowledgeable about what we are doing, why we are doing it and discover God's plans (systems) for us to follow. 


It is good to note that the entire basis of capital funds created through CCC is one of debt free capital. Borrowing and debt need to be both addressed through repentance and a firm resolves to understand that God has a plan for you free and extant of debt. This does not obviate obligation for indeed, there will be obligations to both God and man in your administration of the facilities afforded you.




People, corporations and entities wishing to apply for their capital needs to be met through the Capital Covenant Corporation need to be acquainted with our system. Our system is not perfect and will always be open to improvement and suggestions from you. Your participation will be a valuable part of that growth in knowledge and understanding of the systems God has planned for us. The following conditions are in place designed to produce order and create the best possible opportunity for you to achieve the desired results in raising capital.




1. Applicant must submit an ISS (Inquiry Submission Sheet). This is a preliminary paper with basic details accompanied by a maximum of a two page executive summary or concept paper. This paper is then reviewed, by experienced venture capital executives, who recommend whether the application should proceed to the next stage. This recommendation may also include modifications or changes in the way it is submitted.

2. Feasibility Study: The importance of this cannot be underestimated. The mistake of many is that they base the feasibility of their project upon their assumptions or their business plan. It is clearly the other way around. Both the feasibility study and the business plan may have many common elements but the order is time tested and paramount to a successful application.

3. Business Plan: Many of the old adages immediately come to mind but none so succinct or accurate as that found in Proverbs 15:22. Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors, they are established. (NKJ)

4. Business Appraisal: Often the business needs to be appraised which is usually, but not always, for an existing business needing expansion capital.

5. Presentation: Like the right make up and the correct attire on a beautiful woman, the presentation needs to be prepared with that professional look. If you are successful in gaining that all-important interview for the closing process of gaining the capital required, how it is presented becomes of high importance. We need to know how the investor wants this to happen and what are his/her real requirements and objectives. 




This book, “THE CHRISTIAN COVENANT” has been written by one of the world’s foremost venture capitalists, Michael Webster, who acts as a consultant to the Capital Covenant Corporation and teaches this system through this work. To work with CAPITAL COVENANT CORPORATION you must work within the system. Why? - Because it works. Follow the system and your chances are increased that you will be successful; ignore the system and you can be almost assured of being unsuccessful in your pursuits. We do not and cannot guarantee you will be successful whatever you do and however 'good' your project or plan seems to be. Follow the system and you will be assured that in the process your project will be seen by and taken seriously by people who have the capacity to capitalize your project. CAPITAL COVENANT CORPORATION has and holds alliances with the worlds major high net worth individuals (angels) as well as the companies and institutions that may invest in projects like yours.


We offer you our prayerful and undivided support in discovering the destiny God has for you in this exciting day and age.



Tony Walker

The Christian Covenant




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