Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Red Road - A Journey Awaits You


Author Michael Webster
Red Road - A Journey Awaits You
Red Road 

"Great Spirit, all over the earth living humans are all alike. . . Look upon these humans without number and that these things come to pass. Listen and hear the winds and see the dreams and visions by walking the Red Road to the day of quiet" Akkeeia


As you read this you are invited to come and share with me a journey back in time a world unlike any other. We will walk the sacred RedRoad together for the love of life, and shall learn the blending of the old and the new, and the learning of the ancient wonders of life. You will see how you can best benefit by taking the best from both worlds. We will learn how to live in harmony and balance with our own bodies and at the same time have the same harmony and balance with Mother Nature. How it is all connected to the great circle of life through our tribal connection of the spirit of the early Americans and Early Man.

The very earliest Americans are a prehistoric people and the early Americans who followed are the more familiar historic Indians of this land. We'll call them "Early Peoples."

I'm inviting you to enter into the sacred circle of that world. Join us for a spiritual, magical, archetypal celebration as you feel the healing of the ancient ways and share ancient and Early Peoples ceremonial rites. Let their soul walk inside you and visit unknown places in your mind. We will learn about the old ways... from the Clovis people to the Arapaho to the Zuni... Discover healthy foods that sustained people for hundreds of years, for longer than we have been a nation, and find out about many natural plants that healed them and some that we ourselves are using today as modern miracle drugs. We hope to see the past return and the future foretold, learn to live in that harmony and in balance with our Father and Mother Earth. White mans God was known to many of the Early Peoples as the "Great Spirit Father Sky". We will learn how to softly walk on Mother's back again as a people.

On this walk we will attempt to see the world through the eyes of those who went before us. We will travel to many Sacred Sites, places of mysterious beauty, where the land is alive with Creation stories exposed in the sinuous canyons which are rugged mountains upside down and witness Ancient Cultures and peak at spectacular landscapes, Absorb the unearthly luminous qualities of light on rock and vast plateau lands and of brilliant stars at night. This is a dreamscape sculpted by elemental forces. Radiant with sun, quickened by lightning, resonant with many millennia of human prayer honoring this sacred earth. The wind that shapes the wondrous formations gives voice to the indwelling spirit that Navajos call Nilchi'i, the inner spirit of humans, the mountains, the stars and all of creation. This walk is an exhibition of color and form, the mythological landscape of living cultures with roots in another time. We will take time to star and moon gaze and to breathe in the stunning wisdom of sunset and sunrise! The RedRoad will stimulate your imagination. Ask questions. Like who are we? Why are we here now? Pondering, sensing the mysteries of those who came before, who walked among the remote and exquisitely beautiful stone cliff dwellings, pueblo villages and gazed upon other-worldly images left carved and painted on canyon walls. And, in fact, some of these ancient peoples are still here. Hopi, Navajo, Zuni and other Early Peoples warmly welcome us as they share their stories, lives, ways, reverence, earth-spirit ways, around the campfire, and in special places. We come together in a warm circle of friends from many nations telling our stories Legends and earth wisdom woven with historic color, nature, geology, archaeology and a real peoples! All this in our dreams as while as our waking time. The RedRoad reveals civilizations whose antiquity predates that of the Egyptians. It will witness wisdom acquired through millenniums of observing nature and see tribal knowledge that may never be duplicated.

Through the walk on the RedRoad and for the love of life, we will follow the people of a new continent. Through the Hohokam and the Mogollon, whose irrigation systems brought the deserts to bloom with many foods, you will be told of the mysterious cliff dwellers, the Anasazi of the Southwest. You'll be shown beautiful hand made pottery, made by coiling and braiding the soil from Mother. You may even hear ancient voices tell the stories that reveal the sources of power and visions... Explore the belief that link living people with their ancestors though vision quest and sweat lodge ceremonies. Witness rituals that have been performed for centuries.

You may even hold regular meetings yourself, attend pow wows, have councils and sweat lodge. Ask those who walk the RedRoad to talk with us and share with us and to help us to better understand things like the role of song and dance. In these words and because of these words you will discover and maybe hold in your hands things holy and most sacred such as Sage Wands, Sweetgrass Braids, Feather Fans, Blessing Sticks, Medicine Bundles, Sacred Rites Peace Pipes, and many other objects of absolute wonder. We will have stories of eyewitness accounts of the Early Peoples of the Americas and hear the shared stories and may even be able to feel the rush of the buffalo hunt. You'll be able to follow the trail of tears and of broken treaties that lead to battles like, the "Battle of Powder River, Wounded Knee, Rosebud Strong Hold, Big Hole, and Battle Butte." And we will sense how it felt to stand with Crazy Horse at "Little Big Horn." We will get acquainted with their great leaders like Red Cloud Cochise, Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Chief Joseph, Quantum Parker, and many others. All of who were people of great loyalty, bravery and wisdom, committed to protecting their people, their health, their land, and their culture...

The RedRoad is a journey through life learning to live in balance and harmony with Mother and if you walk soft and long you may teach others the walk of the RedRoad. The words you will see and may be hear spoken are sacred. They come from our thoughts, our thoughts come from the wind, and our thoughts are visions during our waking time and from dreams as we sleep. "Dreams are visions as we sleep and visions are dreams while awake, this is where all wisdom and true talent comes ." Akkeeia

The Great Spirit has blessed us with the wind, visions, and dreams. The RedRoad starts by learning to listen to the wind and remembering dreams and visions. This can help you in your walk and prepare you for your Vision Quest, your Sweat Lodge, Council meetings and all important matters of your life. This knowledge will help you and help you to help others in saving Mother's life! The RedRoad doctrines are holy and sacred, its precepts binding and committed, its histories are true, and the decisions made because of it are important. Walk it to be wise, believe it to be safe and practice it to help save Earth Mother's life! The journey contains light to direct you; food to nourish your body and wisdom to nourish your spirit, and it will comfort and cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the walker's staff, the Eagle's compass, the warrior's spear. In the walk paradise is restored.

The RedRoad will take you to mysterious places, unexplained sacred sites, ancient cities, and lost lands. The Great Mystery is its grand subject, our good its design and the glory of the Great Spirit its end. It shall fill your memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. It should be walked slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of health. It is offered and given you in life. It involves the highest responsibility. It will reward your labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacredness... All who walk it will forever remember it.

I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself. Lone Man [Isna la-wica] (late 19th century) Teton Sioux. For your copy send request to:mvwsr@aol.com Arthur. 

See more articles by Michael Webster: https://journaldesk.blogspot.com

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