Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sick and tried of what it takes to run a business

 Are you a business owner sick and tired of the many losses that come with running a business? Just like wedding vows, through thick and thin, in the ups and downs of life, an entrepreneur is ready to give the business his/her all for to see the business thrive and grow and be stable on its own, able to make profits and grow. So what are the factors that cause a business to not thrive, but instead to find themselves making losses especially in their first years.

Below are a couple of reasons as to why small business make so much losses in the first years.

Wasted Company Time

With so much to do and so few hours to do it in, time really is money in the business world. For this reason, it’s crucial that you waste as little of it as you can. To save yourself time, you should invest in the right software, to manage employee data on one platform. You should also minimize distractions while you work.

Loss of Merchandise

Shrinkage is an issue for any business selling physical products. It occurs when merchandise is lost, damaged, or stolen before it has a chance to be sold to customers. There is no way to eliminate this issue completely, but there is plenty that you can do to minimize it. Many companies, for example, invest in better stock management and security around their products.

High Turnover Rate

Hiring employees is a big and expensive step for your business. You need to handle costs related to job listings, interviews, training, and more, so, ideally, you’ll want to have to do so as little as possible and keep your turnover rate low. You can do so by creating a positive work environment and offering benefits and salaries better than any competing businesses.

Bad Financial Management

The only way to know for sure where your business is losing money is by keeping track of your finances. If you fail to do so, you’ll overspend unnecessarily, miss bill payments, and much more. Of course, you may not have much experience when it comes to accounting, making this task difficult. If this is the case, then consider hiring a professional accountant o do it for you.

A business without money is one that won’t survive for very long. To keep your company up and running, eliminate these causes of financial loss in your business.

Monitor Profit and Loss Reports Constantly

P&L reports are generated on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis based on a company’s standard operating procedure. However, accountants can generate reports as needed and requested by the management. Take advantage of this and constantly look at the numbers. Look for trends and use them to forecast and project profits and minimize losses.

Change something.

Maybe you can launch a social media campaign, or hold a customer appreciation event, or even just send a comment card to your loyal customers. Do anything that is different, and in a positive direction

The idea here is that there will be times when you’re not sure if your business will make it and you’re just staring at your bank balance like a kid waiting for Christmas, but the fact is that you will usually come out of it you’ll be much more productive when you stay calm.

 Financing Hurdles

However, owners of failing companies are less in tune with how much revenue is generated by sales of products or services. This disconnect leads to funding shortfalls that can quickly put a small business out of operation.

In most instances a business owner is intimately aware of how much money is needed to keep operations running on a day-to-day basis, including funding

payroll; paying fixed and varied overhead expenses, such as rent and utilities; and ensuring that outside vendors are paid on time.

Inadequate Management

Another common reason small businesses fail is a lack of business acumen on the part of the management team or business owner. In some instances, a business owner is the only senior-level person within a company, especially when a business is in its first year or two of operation.

Ineffective Business Planning

Business owners who fail to address the needs of the business through a well-laid-out plan before operations begin are setting up their companies for serious challenges.

at a minimum:

  • A clear description of the business
  • Current and future employee and management needs
  • Opportunities and threats within the broader market
  • Capital needs, including projected cash flow and various budgets
  • Marketing initiatives
  • Competitor analysis

Marketing Mishaps

Similarly, having realistic projections in terms of target audience reach and sales conversion ratios is critical to marketing campaign success. Businesses that do not understand these aspects of sound marketing strategies are more likely to fail than companies that take the time to create and implement cost-effective, successful campaigns.


The Kenyan saying “vitu kwa ground ni different”, often used to mean things on the ground are different from what one thought or had planned and no one understands this more than an entrepreneur who despite multiple and extensive researches find themselves in doubt, loss and sometimes downfall due to many so factors. Point is proper planning and research is important before starting a business. Yes, sometimes you can plan and things may not go according to plan, however, but you learn and you grow and avoid making the same mistakes

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